“As a futurist, and I can call myself a futurist.”

This week I read the Futurist manifesto and the Bauhaus manifesto this week and I realized that they are somewhat opposing views. Futurists want everything to be torn down and for the world to be renewed where as Bauhaus wanted to rebuild the mold in which the world makes artist. While the ideas were not dissimilar they hold two very different views as to how they might do that. Futurist wanted to bring about the end of all things to rebuild the next generation of artist without the tainted past of the world. The Bauhaus artists wanted to teach new artists how to build the future how they might change if taught correctly. I think overall both movements saw a flawed past of the art world that needed to be fixed and I think overall it still needs to be fixed however I think these two movements were onto something.  The futurist appeal to the chaos in me; if it won’t change, burn it all down and restart. Whereas the Bauhaus wants to teach and correct the future, a more logical way to change. For the last several years people have  pushed for all sorts of changes social, economic, equitable changes for the future but the world struggles to let them happen. Change happens like the earth orbits, slowly, sometimes so slow we don’t know it’s happening, but we cannot give up. If we continue to try to teach and show people that the world can change it just might. Change will come but we should probably keep pushing and not burn it all down.


Fashion is Spinach?


How Charles Fredrick Worth changed Fashion.