Innovations Make for Rapid Growth

 Starting in the mid 1800 we started to see an  industrial boom, complete innovations on all fronts. Each industry was moved forward by steam power and new machines that made the lives of workers or slaves in some cases quicker and sometimes easier. And when we are working quicker we can make more faster making production cheaper because demands can be met quicker and you have to pay people less and they have time to do more work. However it meant goods could be distributed and traded faster through means of steam powered locomotives. The fashion industry is helped the most through means of innovation,steam power helps fuel machines and the invention of the cotton gin makes cotton more accessible to people for trade. Along with that steam power makes printing presses automatic which helps a number of things. Advertisements can be spread more through lithography and chromolithography which boosts how quickly pictures and fashion plates can be reproduced in magazines, newspapers, and posters for mass distribution. Electroplating changes the ability to make patterned silver and continuous printing makes elaborate wall paper easier to make. Things like pattern printing and sewing machines make the production of ready to wear clothing much easier to produce and printing processes make it possible to pattern clothing without weaving but looms are evolving as well. With the invention of the automated loom and jacquard looms silk can be woven faster. Lithography and Typography were advancing as well so you see everything was moving faster and they were finding  new ways to make goods and needs more accessible to middle class civilians. 


How Charles Fredrick Worth changed Fashion.


How Decorative Arts boosted the 17th century French Economy.