Week 2 a week late

I am writing to you late since we are technically in week 3 but, week 2 was very hectic and things are finally slowing down a little bit. This last week I have made quite a bit of progress however. I have all 3 doors, paint colors picked and lead tested for one project, I ordered my containers for my flux kits, and CORE gallery has switched shows which also happened last week. We hit quite a few hiccups along the way and my studio is now messy but, what else is new with me? I’d also like to remind  readers to take care of yourself when working long hours because if you don’t you’ll burn out or make yourself sick, like I  did this weekend but it's all good because I’m fine now. Anyway don’t forget to hydrate, eat, and sleep and maybe I’ll post again this week to make sure I’m all caught up!

Oh, I also finally bought my own sewing machine and it’s really pretty but I haven’t gotten to use it yet and now it’s buried on my desk. :)

Now Really be safe out there and take care!


Art Insecurities Week 3


Captains Log Week 1