BFA Thesis 2022

Communicating Emotions Through Art.

Artwork in this collection was made in my final year of my BFA program at Pennsylvania College of Art & Design in the 2021-2022 school year as my thesis. Communicating Emotions Through Art, follows the idea that Art is a way that people can express their emotions and communicate them with the world. I expressed this idea through making a catalog of mediums and colors to express different emotions, this is why the collection changes from grayscale to full color. Full color expresses happiness and the idea of being overwhelmed where the grayscale is typical sadness or depression, a muted emotion. You can find more about this in thesis in my blogs. My BFA exhibition and thesis was very much meant to be viewed as an installation where all of the art could communicate with eachother in one space. Full installation can be found in my exhibitions section.

Thesis Link

Exhibition link


Color waves